
Calusa Conspirator

Protecting and Preserving Pine Island

for generations to come.


Our Goals


To share and discuss as a community the risks, decisions and consequences we face.
Join our forum to discuss what's important to you with your neighbors, and to help direct the future of Pine Island.


To publicly share the details of policies, projects and parties that pose a threat to the island and it's way of life. "Protecting and Preserving" is vague and daunting. We seek to collect and present the who, what, when and where of the issues in a way that is easy to understand, and easy to act upon...


To organize, strategize and support the actions necessary to obstruct development and exploitation of the island. To be successful in our goals requires navigating the complexities of local and state government, real estate and development regulations as well as basic human nature. It requires the collaboration and cooperation of all who are willing.

“The wilderness once offered men a plausible way of life," the doctor said. "Now it functions as a psychiatric refuge. Soon there will be no wilderness." He sipped at his bourbon and ice. "Soon there will be no place to go. Then the madness becomes universal." Another thought. "And the universe goes mad.”

Edward Abbey


Ask away, maybe we’ll answer.


No compromise in the protection and preservation of Pine Island.

A clear starry night with only the rustle of sea breeze in the trees. The murmur of the tide in mangrove roots and the cry of the osprey. The island quiet should not a be story we tell our grandchildren. It is something to be preserved and experienced first-hand for generations.